Moon Diary || Gemini


Happy MOON in Gemini today from; me, a gem(sun and mercury child)

Let these moons beams empower you to free yourself, express yourself, cheers your lover and paint a childlike wonder and joy on your face 👋🏼🌙
Gemini is the ONLY air sign in the zodiac that is also mutable in nature meaning that there is nothing that feels better to the twins than being free in the moment to move, float and laugh in the world💫😍 (fellow mutable signs are Sag, Virgo and Pisces)
If you love a gem honor them by floating, laughing and loving with em🤝!
And if you want to honor the moon today float with her! Be her companion, let her speak to you through intuition👁‍🗨 you never know where she’ll take ya


The Blonde Priestess
