Love Notes from my Rose
To my never fading amazement I have been blessed with a gift of communication with my daughter- ermm unborn daughter that is 😅! I know, this is weird for me too, but in some ways it is no stranger than receiving guidance from past loved ones and ancestors. The powers we possess from the other side of the veil is limitless and unfathomable to our human mind.
So it is, from time to time my little girl will communicate with me through my meditations and visions- I have seen her many times and I feel her presence around me often. This is nothing short of amazing to me and often our exchanges leave me in tears and goosebumps, she evokes a physical and visceral reaction in me! If this topic has peaked your interest, or if you are already sensing your future unborn children whispers then this was a beautiful source that brought me comfort and clarity- Esther is wise and succinct with her knowledge on this topic!
So without further adieu this is the latest encouragement from my greatest cheerleader spirit light worker daughter.
🌹'Don't you forget about me...'
love, charlie rose
You are my moma I chose you.
He is my daddy I chose him.
do not lose heart,
do not lose faith
for you both have great things to accomplish together,
and creation to be made.
i hold your hand
as I hold his
you are mine
and I am yours.
my brother will come but this time with you i cherish
i chose a mother who would love me purely, excitedly and vibrantly.
you squeeze and kiss me and i know how loved i am
daddy takes me for rides in his cars and tells me stories- i love him too
i have and will bring you two together
have faith.
have love.
be generous.
and be gracious.
have patience.
and know this truth:
i am yours,
and you are his
together we are me
together, wait and see
i love you moma, im hugging you from the inside
-Charlie Rose
i love you moma, im hugging you from the inside...