Priestess 101 || Faith
Pause.... take a moment to survey your surroundings, to survey your heart.
I had a moment where the inner dialogue was dark, my mind was complaining and harping on "one thing" that wasn't coming through, or was probably divinely delayed.
I am far enough in my path of self awareness to recognize the feeling and voice the ego brings to me when I am giving it the internal spotlight. With little delay I detoured my mind straight into a practice that is unfailing when it comes to resetting my heart, and that is gratitude. I took out a pen and paper and took a deep breathe, I reopened my eyes and let whatever came to me flow out.
"Faith, Family, Partnerships, Home, Health and Creativity."
Each of these words brought to mind certain faces and experiences, gifts and projects that I all felt so grateful for currently in my life. I had a lightbulb moment that every single thing I had prayed for into a deep dark unknown and barren abyss had actually manifested into my reality. These exact feelings, projects, partners and business had fabricated and here I was tripping over small little details about the things I was praying and promising nearly my first born to God for if he would just give me ONE of them!!
“Some of the things you prayed for on a daily are now apart of your daily experience. ”
So this is a gentle reminder to you, as it was to me, to choose to open our eyes to the magic. To see our lives with new vision! To remember how faithful God was to the promise(ssss) of your heart. To choose everyday to feel absolutely and 100% sure of what he has spoken to you and to how blessed you already are!
I love you,