New Classes! || Priestess Power
Babes! I have exciting news! But first…
Have you ever been waiting for something without even fully realizing you were waiting for it?!
Well this is what it felt like when the opportunity to teach at House of Intuition was presented to me!
I felt a feeling of relief when I saw that email pop into my inbox! Like ahhh finally, that was what I was waiting for!
Then it occurred to me… this is what is next. Plus, it 100% feels like the next step in my priestess path!
So with that being said I hope you will use the remainder of this year to open yourself up to whatever it is calling you next! There’s 3 months left sis of this decade, may you allow it to present itself to you with out the limits of your expectations constricting it.
Lastly! I would love to share space with you for the rest of this month at House of Intuition, here are the classes I have on the horizon! Looking forward to seeing you at my new beautiful home on York Blvd. in Highland Park.
OCTOBER 12, 2019
Elemental Series, balancing your chart- AIR
OCTOBER 13, 2019
OCTOBER 26, 2019
Elemental Series, balancing your chart- WATER
OCTOBER 19, 2019
Elemental Series, balancing your chart- EARTH
OCTOBER 25, 109
Find Your Destiny- North Node/ Midheaven