Pray || Priestess Quotes
As a Gemini Sun and Mercury my healthy form of self soothing and thought processing is through journaling and writing. I love using this method mostly because often I am left with a physical manifestation that shows evidence of the ride my emotions took me on.
The following quotes were cultivated from a deeply wounded and upset space of my human experience. I am pleased that even though tears streamed as I tapped out these mini poems on my keyboard that they are still infused with love and hope. And of course my usual tone of independence and self reflection as well! I don’t think I will ever shake that strength and solo minded nature about me! Thanks Venus in Aries
Feel free to reshare these or screenshot and save for a rainy day. I hope these words that transpired through me can serve you and remind you that faith is really all we have as souls in human form navigating a plan that was created so long ago that time was-not even present.
The Blonde Priestess
Trust that what they do or don’t do has nothing to do with you.
-The Blonde Priestess
Hold hands with the trigger as it guides you to the wound. This is where your battle lies.
-The Blonde Priestess
May you unlearn lessons that were taught by fear projections.
-The Blonde Priestess
I pray you will be the person you would want to fall in love with, grow old with and reincarnate with.
-The Blonde Priestess
May you determine if something is right based on how you feel about it not by what you were “taught”.
-The Blonde Priestess
May you embody the person your spirit selected this lifetime not the one you were told to be by other humans.
-The Blonde Priestess
May the conversation between you and your soul grow from a purr to a growl to a roar!
-The Blonde Priestess
Are you really disappointed in the reality or by the way your expectations measure up?
-The Blonde Priestess
I pray you realize expectations are silent slayers.
-The Blonde Priestess
When reality doesn’t align with your expectations I pray that you surrender to the cosmic alternative that’s unfolding.
-The Blonde Priestess
As your mind floats to thoughts of the future reel it back in like the biggest catch of the day.
-The Blonde Priestess