Day 12 Treasure of God || Priestess ACIM Lesson


Well I am awkwardly typing this out trying to look at the screen more than the keys because that is where my clawless baby fingers dance around,

waving and flickering over the plastic letters, simply naked. Yes, it’s true I have removed my acrylic nails! LOL (I am rolling my eyes at how insignificant this likely sounds)! I will say I have had them ON for the last 2-3 years straight, with the only breaks I have taken being when I snap one and it takes me a couple days before I can go to the nail doctor!


hahah I have learned from my past EXTREME cold turkey behaviors that put me in my full masculine that when I stop things, or break habits I now do so without expectations or limitations. Giving myself to permission to put them back on today if I want to, to go get them painted if I want to or to not! So I really have found the full surrender and release to what I feel is best. The whole point of me doing it was just to simply feel. Even if it was just for the evening last night. Again, this may sound silly, but really asking myself if I can look at my hands in love without my beautiful shiny claws elongated and adding intrigue to them? Can I be patient as I relearn how to text on my phone, write with a pen and type on my keyboard? And the big one, can I release another layer of my attachment to my physical being? Can I surrender another piece of “me” that my ego would have me hold onto?

ANYWAYS, I have made no decision yet on what to do about my nails, although I do have some insight after day 12 took me to Chapter 8. VI “The Treasure of God”. Based on what I have digested from this message, it really doesn’t matter! Have nails, don’t have nails, smoke a joint don’t smoke a joint. IT’S LITERALLY WHATEVER. What is important is that you never forget your actual purpose was nothing to do with our human realm and further, that our worth is found in everything but these human things!

*mind blown, again lol

Soooo let’s dive in…..

Forget not the kingdom of God for anything the World has to offer.

-A Course in Miracles

His Will has saved you, not from yourself but from your illusion of yourself. He has saved you for yourself.

-A Course in Miracles

No one created by God can find joy in anything except the eternal; not because he is deprived of anything else, but because nothing else is worthy of him.

-A Course in Miracles

God wants only His Son because His Son is His only treasure.

-A Course in Miracles

Your creations love you as you love your Father for the gift of Creation. There is no other gift that is eternal, and therefore there is no other gift that is true.

-A Course in Miracles

Your function is to add to God’s treasure by creating yours. His will to you is His will for you (creation).

-A Course in Miracles

Creation is the will of God His will created you to create.

-A Course in Miracles

God’s will is thought. It cannot be contradicted by thought.

-A Course in Miracles

Through our creations we extend our love, and thus increase the joy of the Holy Trinity. You do not understand this, because you who are God's Own treasure do not regard yourself as valuable. Given this belief, you cannot understand anything.

-A Course in Miracles

The journey to God is merely the reawakening of the knowledge of where you are always, and what you are forever. 

-A Course in Miracles

It is a journey without distance to a goal that has never changed.

-A Course in Miracles

Truth can only be experienced. It cannot be described and it cannot be explained. 

-A Course in Miracles

I can make you aware of the conditions of truth, but the experience is of God. Together we can meet its conditions, but truth will dawn upon you of itself.

-A Course in Miracles

You who are beloved of God are wholly blessed. Learn this of me, and free the holy will of all those who are as blessed as you are.

-A Course in Miracles

Loving you,