Day 26 Defined || Priestess ACIM Lesson


It has been so cool to see the blessings and gifts of the Sagittarius full moon!

She is highlighting my 9th and 10th house right now as well as my Midheaven and North Node- so basically all life path, destiny and career tings are under her influence. I have felt some major breakthroughs business wise coming through and a straight up OUTPOURING of love for my work lately. I always feel so honored even when I receive just a little heart emoji on IG in my comments, but when I say an outpouring of love, I mean people that I have never even met before literally writing me novel length testimonies on how much my work has served them! How much my words and lessons have guided them through patches of lovelessness, or body image issues or anxiety and depression etc….

Honestly, I am simply blown away. It brings a tear to my eye to feel full circle moments like the ones above. To see my true purpose, which is the same as all of ours (to be love and light) coming to fruition. It’s a moment that should be celebrated as too often we brush off the small things without pausing and giving them the proper glory. I honor myself in this moment for stepping into my power more than I ever have done before and using my light for the highest good an purpose of elevating others into their own light as well!

The priestess is ever rising within!! Ahh thank you God for reminding me of my true self as I had forgotten her for so long. As I continue to shine and share with others I realize more and more the divine awakening that can occur in someone simply because you were lit on fire in their presence! You shared the love and by doing so it multiplies! Wow love is just so limitless!

So for todays lesson I thought why not keep it simple? We are going to Chapter 2 “Clarification of Terms- Ego”. I think before we carry on with this 40 day commitment of studying A Course in Miracles it would be wise to ensure we have a deep understanding of the basics!

Illusions will not last. Their death is sure and this alone is certain in their world.

-A Course in Miracles

What is the ego? But a dream of what you really are. A thought you are apart from your Creator and a wish to be what He created not. It is a thing of madness, not reality at all.

-A Course in Miracles

What is the ego? Nothingness, but in a form that seems like something.

-A Course in Miracles

There is no definition for a lie that serves to make it true.

-A Course in Miracles

The ego’s opposite in every way,—in origin, effect and consequence—we call a miracle.

-A Course in Miracles

Now the light has come: Its opposite has gone without a trace. Where evil was there now is holiness. 

-A Course in Miracles

What is a miracle? A dream as well. But look at all the aspects of this dream and you will never question any more. Look at the kindly world you see extend before you as you walk in gentleness. Look at the helpers all along the way you travel, happy in the certainty of Heaven and the surety of peace.

-A Course in Miracles

This was the ego—all the cruel hate, the need for vengeance and the cries of pain, the fear of dying and the urge to kill, the brotherless illusion and the self that seemed alone in all the universe. This terrible mistake about yourself the miracle corrects as gently as a loving mother sings her child to rest.

-A Course in Miracles

Your questions have no answer, being made to still God’s Voice, which asks of everyone one question only: “Are you ready yet to help Me save the world?” Ask this instead of what the ego is, and you will see a sudden brightness cover up the world the ego made. 

-A Course in Miracles

The miracle forgives; the ego damns.

-A Course in Miracles

And who would not go on a little while when it is given him to understand the way is short and Heaven is his goal?

-A Course in Miracles

Loving you always,

