Day 43 Love for Love || Priestess ACIM Lesson


Hi babes!!! I hope everyone had a beautiful 4th of July and is enjoying a lovely summer weekend!

I also would just like to note that I am A-OKAY as most of California is after the earthquakes… I have never experienced such an alarming experience as I did yesterday during a 7.1 quake, the biggest here in California in 20 years. My heart was racing like it used to when I would hop out of the pool after a 500 m swim in my competition days. Everything was moving it was truly terrifying because you are actually in the full awareness that there is quite literally nothing you can do. I reflected on the intense and terrible storms from my hometown on the east coast, but it always felt like something that was happening outside of us, the wind would rage and the rain would endlessly pour from the hurricanes that would blow through yearly, but the earthquake just simply feels personal. It’s not weather that’s occurring outside of your window pane….. it’s INSIDE your home, your body, and its outside in your yard and your driveway it truly is an all encompassing force that leaves you straight up SHOOK!

Well anyway, I may be dramatic about this all but I just have never experienced anything quite like that. My heart raced with emotions and chemicals that can only be best identified as fight or flight! Wow, and of course BIG prayers for mama gaia and for anyone that might have experienced any damage to their homes or psyches! Okay so on to the course! It’s no secret that I have been a bit intermittent with my study now, but never the less still very much incorporating everything that I have learned into my daily life, prayers and consciousness. day I was also called to sit down with Chapter 12 VIII. “The Attraction of Love for Love”.

For if love is sharing, how can you find it except through itself.

-A Course in Miracles

Offer it and it will come to you, because it is drawn to itself. But offer attack and love will remain hidden, for it can live oil in peace.

-A Course in Miracles

His fathers love holds I’m in perfect peace, and needing nothing, he asks for nothing.

-A Course in Miracles

When you made visible what s not true, what is true became invisible to you it is invisible to you because you are looking at something else.

-A Course in Miracles

Yet it is no more up to you to decide what is visible and what is invisible, than it is up to you to decide what reality is.

-A Course in Miracles

God would reunite you with yourself and did not abandon you in your distress.

-A Course in Miracles

Yet, His memory shines in your mind and cannot be obliterated. It is no more past than future being forever always.

-A Course in Miracles

You have but to ask for this memory, and you will remember.

-A Course in Miracles

The memory of God can only dawn in a mind that chooses to remember and that has relinquished the inane desire to control reality.

-A Course in Miracles

You who cannot even control yourself should hardly aspire to control the Universe.

-A Course in Miracles

Son of God, be not content with nothing! Through His vision your perception is healed.

-A Course in Miracles

By making nothing real to you, you have sought nothing.

-A Course in Miracles

It does not matter how much distance you have tried to interpose between your awareness and truth.

-A Course in Miracles

What God did not give you has no power over you… and the attraction of love for love remains irresistible.

-A Course in Miracles


Redeem my perception. Transform it into true knowledge.

-A Course in Miracles

I am loving you all equally and indefinitely,


