Preaching Astrology, Giving Light and Spreading Love
Where Do You Go? || Addiction
Where do you go when you feel low?
This is a question I have been digging into for a long time now! I believe one of the greatest things we can do as spiritual beings having a human experience is utilize the human behaviors as sign posts pointing us to the wounds that exist in our energy field. Furthermore, our human experience helps us to unwind the inner braiding of our souls karma with this lifetime and others.
So when we observe our behaviors, especially our addictive patterns that compromise the health of our human vessels we can then began to gather information that can lead us to the big WHY.
Why do we use this substance that gives us side effects and ultimately makes us feel worse, or why do we abuse and manipulate our bodies in order to attain an unattainable image we think will make us feel worthy? I have found through my own experiences with addiction that they always stem from a desire to hide a hurtful feeling, or they come from a desire to feel like we have some control. The later greatly interests me, as I feel it is highly responsible for most of our unhealthy behaviors. I believe we all have some sort of longing or a homesickness for a place far different than Earth. Perhaps, we long for the freedom of our spirit realm, or another planet and past life where we knew what would unfold, where the great mystery we feel in our human lives was non existent. Maybe there was no negative contrasting experiences, or tender feelings like the ones we have through living in our human meat suits.
Hmm these questions bring me a beautiful sense of possibilities and whatsmore, a sense that sometimes our human life cannot be fully comprehended while we are in it because the knowledge we come here with is coded in such a different way.
Perhaps, this is why we all start in the same state, of a helpless baby that has galaxies of awareness in our beautiful eyes
and yet no way of explaining or expressing, because of the language barrier.
Maybe these ramblings can initiate some questioning for you to proceed on your journey, to help you heal and most importantly to welcome in awareness as to why you do things that you believe harm or hinder you!