Preaching Astrology, Giving Light and Spreading Love
Surrender || Priestess Thoughts
Hi babes….
Here is what’s on my heart today:
You ever thought you had mastered a lesson, or considered yourself immune to the impulse of reacting that certain stimulus.
Yea me too.
It is only when we are pushed just a LITTLE bit further then our tolerance is trained that we feel #triggered
Well this is MOOD rn. I am making some light out of it though as I truly do chuckle lovingly at myself for my naivety. My mind loves to be like, ‘shew we made it through a lesson, now this is never ever gonna bother me again even if it comes back up!’. HAH, funny thing is it will always come back up as that is the law of the universe. Furthermore, if it doesn’t manifest through the same means as it had in the initial lesson then it will find a witchy way of recreating itself through another karmic instance.
So what are we to do when we are pushed back into an old lesson we thought wasn’t even a trigger for us anymore?
stop. drop. and pray.
Notice the texture of the wound that is being rubbed again. Can you get curious about it? Can you have enough perspective from the emotions of the situation to see that it is all happening for your divine growth?!
WOW read that last line again babes!
I must say I wasn’t able to have that wise perspective in the heat of my most recent trigger but now as days are passing and I am getting clarity through the grace of distance I can sense that this was all incredibly perfect and divine and I can even thank my guides for forever using others to reveal to me areas that I would still love to cultivate in myself.
If we were truly healed then the awareness of something rubbing us would be nonexistent! The very fact that we say to ourselves, “ohh this again, I’m not gonna let it get to me” implies that we are very much so still a victim to our ego’s story around this particular person, situation or lesson.
That’s all I have for you babes today, I hope this serves as a candle in the middle of a dark room if you find yourselves there. Remember the fist step is always to pray! Trust and know that you could have a miracle in this moment right now.