“Life is my movie, people are my muse and you are reading the screenplay of my soul evolution.”
— The blonde priestess
Ego's Tricks || Priestess Perspective
We all have multiple relationships in our lives not just romantic where this Jedi Ego Mind Trick can rear its persistent ugly head.
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GOD, Priestess 101, Spirituality, RelationshipsThe Blonde Priestesslove, relationships, ego, egos tricks, priestess prayer, priestess perspective, surrender, musings, The Blonde Priestess, tbp
Surrender || Priestess Thoughts
I hope this serves as a candle in the middle of a dark room if you find yourselves there…
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Priestess 101, Relationships, Spirituality, GODThe Blonde Priestesslessons, life lessons, The Blonde Priestess, tbp, TBP, TBP Blog, musings, surrender, priestess thoughts