Preaching Astrology, Giving Light and Spreading Love
Day 30 Truth || Priestess ACIM Lesson
What a morning! I love starting it off with a good SoulCycle spin!
My body feels honored and expressed which in turn also brings a calm to the ocean of my emotions.
It has been a super charged last 2 weeks full of life, death scares, tears, belly lol’s, hurt, apologies and more. Astrologically this has been an extremely active and challenging month, and we are gearing up for eclipse season. I always find the more in tune we are the more we can sense the undercurrents of what is approaching and feel really affected by it even though the transit is not exact yet! I sense this is the case with the two big upcoming eclipses in July.
This turbulent astro weather has led me to realize that sometimes we don’t communicate exactly as we should and sometimes have a little damage control. It is up to us and only us to express an apology and to humble ourselves before the other, whether this is a partner, family member, friend, coworker or boss. The potency of an apology is seriously underrated and seriously hard to do y’all!
The absolute freedom of your soul and the realignment of your heart with the truth as well as the respect and love you are gifting to them is priceless.
Okay more on that later babes! Let’s dive into Day 30 of my 40 day commitment to studying A Course in Miracles, Chapter 14. XI “ The Test of Truth”.
Knowledge is power, and all power is of God
-A Course in Miracles
Everything you have taught yourself has made your power more and more obscure to you. You know not what it is, nor where. You have made a semblance of power and a show of strength so pitiful that it must fail you. For power is not a seeming strength, and truth is beyond semblance of any kind. Yet all that stands between you and the power of God in you is but your learning of the false, and of your attempts to undo the true.
-A Course in Miracles
Atonement teaches you how to escape forever from everything that you have taught yourself in the past, by showing you only what you are now.
-A Course in Miracles
Nothing you have ever learned can help you understand the present, or teach you how to undo the past. Your past is what you have taught yourself. Let it all go.
-A Course in Miracles
Do not attempt to understand any event or anything or anyone in its “light,” for the darkness in which you try to see can only obscure. Put no confidence at all in darkness to illuminate your understanding, for if you do you contradict the light, and thereby think you see the darkness. Yet darkness cannot be seen, for it is nothing more than a condition in which seeing becomes impossible.
-A Course in Miracles
Learn of His happiness, which is yours. But to accomplish this, all your dark lessons must be brought willingly to truth, and joyously laid down by hands open to receive, not closed to take.
-A Course in Miracles
WOW this passage below is absolute FREEDOM:
Every dark lesson that you bring to Him Who teaches light He will accept from you, because you do not want it. And He will gladly exchange each one for the bright lesson He has learned for you. Never believe that any lesson you have learned apart from Him means anything.
-A Course in Miracles
This is soo beautiful! We are only as healed and genuinely joyful as the people around us! i don’t think I will never not hear this line in my head…
You have one test, as sure as God, by which to recognize if what you learned is true. If you are wholly free of fear of any kind, and if all those who meet or even think of you share in your perfect peace, then you can be sure that you have learned God’s lesson, and not your own
-A Course in Miracles
When your peace is threatened or disturbed in any way, say to yourself:
I do not know what anything, including this, means. And so I do not know how to respond to it. And I will not use my own past learning as the light to guide me now.
-A Course in Miracles
By this refusal to attempt to teach yourself what you do not know, the Guide Whom God has given you will speak to you. He will take His rightful place in your awareness the instant you abandon it, and offer it to Him.
-A Course in Miracles
The miracle brings the effects that only guiltlessness can bring, and thus establishes the fact that guiltlessness must be.
-A Course in Miracles
How can you, so firmly bound to guilt and committed so to remain, establish for yourself your guiltlessness? That is impossible. But be sure that you are willing to acknowledge that it is impossible. It is only because you think that you can run some little part, or deal with certain aspects of your life alone, that the guidance of the Holy Spirit is limited.
-A Course in Miracles
And by so limiting the guidance that you would accept, you are unable to depend on miracles to answer all your problems for you.
-A Course in Miracles
You have no problems that He cannot solve by offering you a miracle. Miracles are for you. And every fear or pain or trial you have has been undone. He has brought all of them to light, having accepted them instead of you, and recognized they never were.
-A Course in Miracles
For the past binds Him not, and therefore binds not you. He does not see time as you do. And each miracle He offers you corrects your use of time, and makes it His.
-A Course in Miracles
He would establish His bright teaching so firmly in your mind, that no dark lesson of guilt can abide in what He has established as holy by His Presence.
-A Course in Miracles
He offers you a miracle with every one you let Him do through you.
-A Course in Miracles
The miracle of creation has never ceased, having the holy stamp of immortality upon it.
-A Course in Miracles
Think not you understand anything until you pass the test of perfect peace, for peace and understanding go together and never can be found alone. Each brings the other with it, for it is the law of God they be not separate. They are cause and effect, each to the other, so where one is absent the other cannot be.
-A Course in Miracles
Whenever you fully realize that you know not, peace will return, for you will have invited Him to do so by abandoning the ego on behalf of Him.
-A Course in Miracles
The Holy Spirit will, of Himself, fill every mind that so makes room for Him.
-A Course in Miracles
Make way for peace, and it will come. For understanding is in you, and from it peace must come.
-A Course in Miracles
Leave room for Him, and you will find yourself so filled with power that nothing will prevail against your peace. And this will be the test by which you recognize that you have understood.