Prayer || Priestess 101
Hi Babes! I have something V special for you today!
WARNING! This prayer is MAJORLY powerful and can create SERIOUS change in your life…
There have been times in my life where I felt so deeply unbelonging in a situation, or in the dynamics with a friend, roommate or relative. I felt like there was no feasible way out and yet every moment I spent in that place or in the presence of that person I was itching to escape it. This prayer came to me either through A Course in Miracles or one of my most beloved priestesses’, Marianne Williamson.
It should be spoken with integrity, honesty and vulnerability and of course feel free to substitute the word “God” for anything less triggering such as; Universe, Spirit etc…
Dear God,
Either change my situation and my circumstances or change my heart towards it.
It can and should be THAT SIMPLE babes!
There has been countless times where I have uttered this prayer and witnessed absolute magic. The act of surrendering a relationship, situation or decision to a higher power in and of itself is truly powerful!
Happy praying babes!!
Much Love,
Sharable Version:
“Dear God,
Either change my situation and my circumstances or change my heart towards it.