I am LOVING it tbh! The air here in LA is quite literally shifting and changing and with the slight chill on the breeze there is an energetic desirer to lock hands, lips and arms with another! Of course it wouldent be Libra season if we didn’t talk about the desire to be with others right now. Venus of course is the mediator of love and specializes in all things luxury, leisurely and lovely.
Currently as I am writing this there is a beautiful California sun setting shining on my face at this outdoor cafe and the most precious little girl is sampled out at a table nearby and we keep exchanging smile, winks and looks! She reminds me of me, and of my unborn daughter- actually she reminds me of innocence that only we most easily possessed when we were so fresh into our human forms as she is. She reminds me of the divinity in us all, what a beautiful perspective children have to bless us with.😍
Thoughts of my daughter always bring a very special tear to my eye. I’ve seen her twice today in a very powerful way. The first was when I was doing my self love exercise in the mirror and as I gazed into my iris I saw my eye become hers! I immediately began to cry as I always do when I’m connected to her! They are tears of joy and pure disbelief- that I could be gifted with such a remarkable ability to create something as divine and special as her.
If you haven’t yet tried to tap into spirit this way I would highly encourage it! Seeing the unborn or connecting with those that have passed is a major blessing we have access to as humans and I truly feel we don’t full realize that we have this ability.
But back to Libra…
Tis the season of the lovers, so notice where you can reach out more, where you can share yourself in a deeper way, literally phone a friend, making an effort to reconnect with those from the past will be accelerated with Libra’s love!